February 21, 2025

1913: co2 = 301 ppm :116 ppm LESS than today. 1913: Year of record heat --- killer heat.

For the record, the surface temp heat record is 134F.  It was set in Death Valley, in 1913 .. when atmospheric CO2 was very low.  This is yet another piece of evidence which shows that the Al Gore & Michael Mann Climate Model is not true.  

In 1913, the outdoor CO2 count was 301 ppm.  Today, it's 427 or so.  If the Al Gore Model were true, no heated years in the early 20th Century would have transpired.  This is why the most important Climate Evidence for humanity today is the many newspaper articles of the 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s.  Let us proceed:

As far back as 111 years ago, the experts ... the observers ... the seafarers ... conjectured the Earth's glaciers would vanish in soon enough time --- mostly, by the middle of the 20th Century.  Yes, in the early 20th Century, it was predicted that all of the glaciers would have all melted by 74 years ago.  It was 74 years ago when the atmospheric CO2 level was 311 ppm.  That amounts to 114 ppm LOWER than today.  This means that all of the glaciers would have been long since gone, if the Al Gore & Michael Mann CO2-driver Climate Model were not a falsehood.  

Now, if the Al Gore & Michael Mann Theory of CO2-driving-the-climate were true, then the world's glaciers would not have had a regrowth phrase at any time since 1913.  Perhaps you have heard of the DECLINE that Michael Mann hid ... with a math trick ... assuming that you heard of the 2009 Climategate Emails which proved all of this "Climate Crisis" hype to have been a deliberate fraud.  

For those who are victims ... I means former students ... of the American public school system ... the decline is that which appears at the end of "the Briffa Reconstruction" graph.  It's the decline which included the Year 1979 as the year with the most Arctic Ice in recorded history.  

And for the record, Keith Briffa was a British climatologist stationed in East Anglia.  He died of cancer in 2017.  Long before that, Michael Mann erased from the predominate graphs the temperature decline of 1940 or so to 1979 or so.  Keith was an expert in dendrology.  He was also a deputy director of the Climate Research Institute in East Anglia.

Even though the beginning of the 20th Century was being declared a time of cooling surface temps, by the Biden Administration People, those times were the hottest of times recorded by modernized science.  The years of searing heat I wrote a half dozen to a dozen times, already.  I stated that they were 1901, 1905, 1910, 1911, 1921, 1922, 1934, 1935, 1936 ... and even 1954 & 1958.  But, the early 20th Century had the epic heat & drought.  

Today, the US government employees perform an alteration of the "raw temperature" readings, via a poorly explained act called "homogenization."  People would be less deceived if the present president of the US would issue an executive order demanding all US governmental charts, tables, and graphs to only include RAW  temperature DATA.  Homogenization in graphs & tables must be banned.  Or the formula for arriving at such altered DATA must be published for all to see.

At the beginning of the 20th Century, the ice was getting thinner.  The seafarers were literally noticing Glacier Retreat, firsthand.  As far as goes Glacier National Park, it was first predicted that all of its glaciers would disappear by 1948.

The bottom line is that it is 100% false to claim that the world is going through "unprecedented glacier decline."  Being that this exact same thing occurred in the 1910s, '20s, and '30s, it's not unprecedented.  This has been occurring, on and off, for over a hundred years.  It's the same old same old, illustrating that Climate is Cyclical.
The Hottest Day:  Thursday July 10, 1913, Greenland Ranch, Calif, presently called Furnace Creek.

Always remember that the scientists who presently claim that there's "a clear & present climate crisis" have a financial CONFLICT OF INTEREST that will cost the American taxpayer even more than the present $36 trillion national debt.  Firstly, the scientists make their money on claiming that a crisis is occurring somewhere in United States Taxpayer Jurisdiction that only they can solve, provided that you pay them lots and lots of taxpayer dollars.  They only say what they say, in order to get YOUR TAX DOLLARS into their pockets.  That's how they make their money.  

Only people who have no financial interest in stating "it's-true" or "it's-a-scam" have the right to assess the credibility of the present greenhouse gas assertion.  That assertion is that [a] 2 per parts per million of methane is going to cause the world to come to an end, along with [b] one part per 3 million of Nitrous Oxide, and [c] 1/2 of 1/10 of 1% of the atmosphere which is occupied by co2.

At this point in time, the two things which are 100% sure is that 1} Planet Earth is NOT at a point of no return, 2} Climate is cyclical.  Within that cycle are very nice weather seasons and very deadly ones, depending on the stage of the cycle.  3}  The Great Environmental Crisis today is the glut of synthetic chemicals allowed to permeate every part of modern society.  

Also included in the true environmental problem today is ye olde PM2.5.  That's Particular Matter LESS THAN 2.5 microns in size.  Additional add any of the unfiltered pollutants coming out of the newly built Chinese and Indian coal-burning power plants.  This even includes mercury.

Number 2

Secondly, in order to get your dollars into their pockets (via congressional funding or ngo funding), they have to create a catastrophic disaster that will result in the immediate end of the world, without their taxpayer-funded services.  Third, they constructed a narration of pending doom which is really easy to refute, concerning what was stated in congressional committee & subcommittee meetings.  Her is an example of the Climate Change Movement being a total farce:

A certain individual who should be prosecuted for lying to Congress stated that the added atmospheric co2 will soon make all the ocean corrosive, killing all the ocean life.  He said that this will happen when the ocean water's PH reaches 7.7.  STOP right there.  This was a blatant lie that even someone as clueless as an American politician could catch.  Observe . . .

A 7.7 PH is alkaline, also known as BASE.  Neutral is a 7.0 PH.  At present, the ocean is 8.1.  PH does not acquire corrosive properties until it reaches either 4.0 or even 11.0.  Too much alkalinity is as caustic as too much acidity.  .

Newsflash:  Planet Earth can survive without them.  What mankind needs is freedom from the which will injure, impair, or even kill the body over time.  That would be synthetic chemicals of varying sort.  Money needs to be invested in that scandal ... not in going to war against life-giving co2.

 Let's review once again:  Claims of melting glaciers were in progress as far back as over one hundred years ago.  This is NOTHING NEW.  The concept of "global warming," "climate change," and "glacier retreat" existed over a hundred years ago.  Yet, all of those glaciers are still with us to one extent or another, except for the Okjökull glacier in Iceland.  One missing glacier isn't the End of the World.  In fact, it's cold temperatures that kill humans, wild animals, pets, crops, leafage, etc.

February 19, 2025

The Claim of 101F Florida Ocean Water Is 101% Fraud. It was Everglade "run-off" water from the "Taylor Slough" & Mangrove Swamp.

The real ocean water in the vicinity, at the time, was 86F, instead.

The following has been written by an alumnus of one of Florida's coastal universities.  And of course, every coastal university in Florida had an oceanography department.

On July 25th & 26th, media outlets of all categories were reporting that ocean water off of South Florida reached a record-breaking high temperature of 101F, and that this was proof that the planet is in a climate crisis.  The UN Sec-Gen claimed that Planet Earth was now in the phase of Global "Boiling."

The media then mentioned that this 101F reading was at Manatee Bay, as if Manatee Bay were a large and integral part of the Atlantic Ocean.  Therefore, take note that Manatee Bay is a shallow and insignificant shoreline basin that is NOT even worthy to be named on Florida maps.  It's inside of "Barne's Sound," near a Hwy 1 bridge.

Now, the media stated that the 101F reading came from a buoy.  This deceptively made it sound as if the 101F temperature existed three or four miles away from the Florida shoreline.  The reality is that the 101F temperature came from estuary water which, in turn, was actually Everglade run-off water from Mangrove Swamp ... and even water from something known as the Taylor Slough.  All in all, the measurement was that of swamp water, very near shore and very near Hwy 1 which is also called, the South Dixie Hwy.   

On the day reported, the true nearby ocean water was 86F, and this temperature was about three degrees BELOW average.  That amounts 15 degrees Fahrenheit LESS THAN the crisis-stage temperature falsely reported.   It's time for some journalists to be fired.    . 

Plus, the media also reported that the area underwent coral bleaching.  Stop there.  Another false light deception.  Penalty marker time.  This only happened in Islamadora which is 18 miles southwest of Key Largo.  It is located on the main archipelago, and it's known for its "fly fishing."  

Key Largo is also on the same archipelago.  Across the Florida Bay from Key Largo is Mangrove Swamp, and in between the two places is Cross Keys.  Lots of keys in the Florida Keys, and lots of run-off water too.

Posted directly below here is a second map, in order to clarify how much of a deliberate farce this 101F report was and is.  The bottom line is that the news media was reporting on SWAMP run-off water ... and NOT Atlantic Ocean water which is technically on the southeastern side of the South Florida Archipelago where one finds Key Largo and Key West.  Furthermore, if you travel southwest from Key West, you will find yourself in the Florida Straits which pass northern Cuba.
On the map above, Manatee Bay is located where the red circled #4 is located.  Take note that it's semi-surrounded to its east,  by a small archipelago.  North Key Largo is at the top righthand side of this map, on the main archipelago.  Key Largo is at lower central, on the same archipelago.  

At the lower lefthand corner, it is written "Florida Bay."  Technically, the whole area, including very insignificant Manatee Bay, is Florida Bay, until you reach the long archipelago.   The important feature is that the current of the Southern Florida border travels west to east.  

East of the archipelago is regarded to be the Atlantic Ocean --- the Florida Straits.   The true ocean water there, at the time of the 101F swamp water run-off reading was approximately 84.9F to 86F.   Average for July is 89.1F.

The Hwy 1 which is seen on the two maps above is actually the South Dixie Hwy.  The locals call it "the Stretch."  That highway --- that "stretch" --- travels over Surprise Lake, into Key Largo.  Then it suddenly becomes the Overseas Highway.  If you go south on the Overseas Highway for 98 miles, you will arrive at Key West.  

And of course, the ocean water between Cuba and Florida is the Straits of Florida.  That water is quite different than ye olde estuary shoreline runoff water.

Quick lesson:  Estuary water is actually where river water meets an area subject to the tides; where river water becomes effected by tidal action --- and where river water mixes with salt water.  

The bottom line here is that the true ocean water temperature in the area was 15 or so degrees Fahrenheit LOWER than what was claimed by media anchormen & women who are basically clueless and uneducated in matters of atmospheric science and oceanography.

Note:   The source of this article includes the temperature data from the United States' own NCEI-NOAA.  A reference link to that government entity is posted below, at the very end of this post.

One more preliminary statement, to show the hypocrisy of Climate Hysteria Activists

It's now said that fresh water run-off from the Florida Everglades and elsewhere must stop, or else the Atlantic Ocean's Gulf Stream will have reduced saltiness and will then stop moving --- at least beginning at the 45th Parallel.  This includes the temporary & seasonal ice melt run-off of Greenland.  Okay then, explain to me how the Climate Hysteria activists are in a state of cricketed silence on the following:

During every second of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year of every decade of every century, for thousands of years:

4 MILLION GALLONS of fresh Mississippi River water has been flowing into the Mississippi Delta and emptying itself into the salty Atlantic Ocean.  How do you explain that the Gulf Stream has been flowing sufficiently and effectively throughout millennia, despite the massive fresh-water contribution made to it every minute for the last 4,000 years?  What is the point in stopping Everglade run-off water, while a much more massive amount of fresh water flows into the Atlantic Ocean hourly?

Concerning the 4 million gallon claim, if you don't believe it, then you need to see:


The Amazon River discharges approximately ten times more fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean.  In fact, the Orinoco River discharges almost twice as much fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean as does the Mississippi.

Moreover, the Uruguay & Parana Rivers eventually flow into the Atlantic via the Rio de la Plata Estuary.   The Congo River (of Zaire) has twice the discharge flow into the Atlantic that the Mississippi does, and the Ganges River is slightly stronger than the Congo River.  

The Yangtze River has 1.5 times the discharge flow of the Mississippi.  The Yenisei River is as powerful as the Mississippi, as it's the 5th longest river and the largest one to drain into the Arctic Ocean.  Moreover, the Lena also drains into the Arctic, and it's the longest river within Russia.  

Then comes the Saint Lawrence River and its discharge of fresh Great Lakes waters into the North Atlantic Ocean.  Yet, scientists complain of season ice melt and discharge of a Greenland which is mostly frozen.  Also comes the phenomenon of Arctic waters being super cooled, meaning that such water doesn't freeze, even at 31F, 30F, and 29.7F.  All of the aforementioned makes the Greenland ice melt contribution to the Atlantic extremely insignificant.  Think:  The Saint Lawrence & the Mississippi, along with the Lena & Yenisei, and even the Ob River (of Siberia.).  

In Review ... restated ... for victims of the American Public School System who were not taught to think, but to rattle of bumper sticker slogans mindlessly.

In July of 2023, it was reported that coastal ocean water near Southern Florida reached "the possible record-breaking temperature" of 101F ... or at least 100F.  Stop.  Big lie.  Penalty Marker Time.   Let's get this correct, for the sake of a constantly deceived public.

To start, the actual time when this 101F thermometer reading was alleged to have occurred was July 24th or so.  Available herein are the official coastal water temperature stats for July 28, compliments of the NCEI-NOAA.   

Now, as a preview: The actual coastal ocean water temp at the time was 86 degrees Fahrenheit.   Next:

[1a] The water that was measured was NOT ocean water.  It was NOT "coastal water."  It was estuary water, located between two pieces of land, and NOT located out in the ocean.  The water which was measured (via buoy) is extremely close to the Florida Everglades, on its northwest ... and Florida Bay on it's west southwest.  This translates into marsh water which can be as hot as a sports team's whirlpool in the training room.  And we are talking about a very shallow water basin.

[1b] In other words, the water measured was Everglade Runoff Water, and a few years ago --- I think it was in 2017, if memory serves me correctly --- that same water measured at 102F.  Yet, nobody was squawking, running out into the streets, screaming that it was the End of the World.  None the less, the water there is very shallow and the area involved is the border between marsh water and salt water.

[2a] Now, the general area involves water that runs through "the Taylor Slough," into the Florida Bay.  The slough, incidentally, was designed to provide water to the Florida Everglades which are located on the Southwestern tip of the state.  

[2b] Also involved is a manmade canal that was built in 1968 and then recently altered.  It's known as the C-111 Canal; the C-111 "Spreader" Canal.  It was originally designed to send water through the Everglades, followed by the water running off at the southern border of Florida.  Next came the decision to prevent fresh water from rolling off into the Atlantic Ocean as much as is possible.  That resulted in the C-111 "Spreader" project which is completely pointless in light of the fact that the Mississippi River, at New Orleans, unleashes 4 million gallons of FRESH (unsalted) water into the salty Gulf of Mexico per second.  

[2c] This is why it is such hypocrisy for Climate Hysteria Salesmen to obsess people with the seasonal "ice melt run-off from Greenland" (into the Atlantic Ocean), all the while claiming that it's going to cause a Siberian England, the halt of the Atlantic Ocean, and the End of the World.  

[2d] Incidentally, in order to get the Atlantic Ocean to stop flowing, you must stop the rotation of the Earth.  Plus, you must then rid Planet Earth of either all low pressure systems or all high pressure systems.  That is to say, in order to get the Atlantic Ocean to stop moving, you must stop the winds from blowing, as well as stopping the Earth from rotating.  Do you yet see how incredibly asinine the Climate Change activists & politicians are?  They are literally a danger to society, whenever they are in power.

[2e] In addition, the same Southern Florida Everglades Region is quite close to the Dixie Highway which suddenly becomes the Overseas Hwy, upon crossing a bridge.  That highway literally takes you to Key West.  Locals call the Dixie Hwy "the Stretch."

[3a] As far as goes real coastal ocean water in the area which is measured regularly for its temperature, the two nearest places would undoubtedly be Vaca Key and Duck Key.  Now, the temperature of water changes much slower than does air above land.  After all, water has much more heat capacity, and this particular topic is for another post.  None the less, as of July 28, 2023 (July 29 in Coordinated Universal Time), the ocean water temperature near Vaca Key was 86.0F.  The July average there is 89.1F.  At Duck Key, the ocean water was 84.9F, and it's July average is 87.4F.  This was three or four days after the super bogus & hysterical climate news report.

[3b]  Concerning the keys, the northern area is mostly coral.  The southern sector is mostly sandbar.  There about 1,500 to 1,700 islands in the Florida keys.

[4] During this time, the ocean water surrounding the United States' southern states predominately ranged in temperature between the low-to-mid 80s Fahrenheit and 90F.  In one rare section near Texas, it rose to 94.1F, and that's it.  Later in the month was a 94.1F off of Louisiana, and that was it.  Nothing else higher.

[5] So, the July 2023 reality is this:  During the general time span when the ocean water temps were said to have reached 101F, they actually were 3.3 degrees Fahrenheit BELOW AVERAGE in one nearby area of coastal water, and 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit BELOW AVERAGE in another nearby section of the Atlantic Ocean.  All in all, that area which was said to have been 101F was actually 14 to 16 degrees Fahrenheit BELOW 101F.  It wasn't even close to what the Climate Hysteria Media claimed.  

This is yet another piece of evidence which shows that the "Global Warming," "Climate Change," "Climate Crisis," "Global Boiling" activists are lying con artists . . . of very low intelligence.  They are of very low intelligence, because it is soooooo easy to catch their lies and con games.  Concerning the fact that all Florida coastal water temperatures were very much BELOW 100F, see for yourself, below:

Below is the July 28th report.  If I had learned of the 101F temperature report sooner, I would have gone to the NCEI tally board sooner.  

To the righthand side of the government chart (above) are the monthly averages.  This photocopy is "truncated."  It was cut at the righthand side, after the July monthly average column.  At the righthand side of each row's blue-tinted temperature number is the average temp for Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, and July.  Aug to Dec was cut-out, for convenience.  

All in all, the hottest temp in the Southern Florida waters at the time was 89-90F, around Key West, Florida.  Nowhere was it anywhere near 101F.  As far as goes as any ocean temperature being in the critical end-of-the-world-and-we-are-gonna-die-tomorrow stage:  Nada.  Niente. Give-me-a-break. Take-a-hike, you-tax-dollar-thieves.

Now, if you want to see all of the coastal ocean water temperatures around America ... and their monthly average temps for each month ... go to the following site.  There is where you will be able to see if the "Climate Crisis" & "Global Boiling" activists are honest people or a bunch of deliberate liars, in quest of fraudulently gained U.S. taxpayer funding and deceptively gained NGO grants:

National Centers for Environmental Information, Coastal Water Guide, found at:


February 18, 2025

Michael Mann was never even nominated for a Nobel Prize. He's a con artist, and scientists looking for Congressional funding keep silent about it.

Here's the bottom line ... the conclusion ... at the outset.  Michael Mann and Democracy Now presented Michael Mann as a Nobel Prize winner, for his work in climatology.  This deceives people into thinking that Michael Mann received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Firstly, he won no type of Nobel Prize.  None the less, Mann connects himself with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, otherwise known as the IPCC.  HOWEVER, the IPCC won the Nobel PEACE Prize only ... NOT the physics prize.  Al Gore co-won this same Peace Prize.  Al Gore NEVER won the Nobel Prize in Physics.  

There is the recording of a phone call made to the Nobel Prize office, in Scandinavia, to confirm if whether of not Mann is a Nobel Prize winner.  The Nobel Prize rep said that Michael Mann definitely is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.   Michael Mann is nothing more than a con artists, especially when it comes to his hockey stick graph which I already explained.

In brief review of Mann's hockey stick graph, it claims that 1921 & 1922 were among the coldest years in the past 430 or so years.  Newspaper articles of the time, published throughout the modern world, reported 1921 & 1922 as years of extreme heat and extreme Arctic Ice Melt.  That fact, alone, invalidates the graph Al Gore used in his extremely fraudulent 2006 movie, on CO2.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *

Audio Proof that Michael Mann's Nobel Prize Claim is a fraudulent misrepresentation (aka lie) 

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

That particular recording assures us that Michael Mann is NOT on the list of Nobel Prize sole-winners or co-winners, in any category.  So, you do NOT have to submit to him, no matter what he says or writes.  And you surely don't have to submit to the present-day media who happens to be filled with personnel not known for common sense, honesty, reason, diligence, ... or humility.  BTW, stubbornness is not diligence.

NEITHER has any group affiliated with Michael Mann won or co-won the Nobel prize in Physics ... or in Chemistry ... or in Physiology, aka medicine ... or in Literature ... or in the Economic Sciences.  

There is one and only one group which co-won the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, in 2007.  That was the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  

Take note that they did NOT win the Nobel Prize in Physics.  The Nobel Peace Prize is only one of the several yearly prizes awarded by the Nobel Foundation, and Michael Mann's name is NOT on any of those peace prize awards ... or any other Nobel award.

All in all, Mann is fraudulently passing himself off as the ultimate end-all scientist of his particular field of study which happens to be "surface temperatures."  

In addition, he's a notably dull and boring speaker.  If you have insomnia, simply go to a Michael Mann talk, and voila!  No more insomnia.  He makes the End of the World sound all so boring.  Therefore, the best thing to wear to a Michael Mann talk is pajamas.  Bring a pillow. 

The great self-negating feature to Michael Mann ... of the temperature-decline-hider extraordinaire, is something known as evidence.  Take notice:

Above:  Introducing ... in printed legacy ... the Temperature Decline that Michael Mann was hiding, yet which was declared to fully exist, by an unanimous field of specialists ... as far back as 1961.

At this point, it's also important for you to realize that Al Gore, at best, is a remedial science student who went on Conan O'Brien's talk show and confidently stated that the center of Planet Earth is millions of degrees.  Try 9,800F to 10,800F, instead.  If the core of Planet Earth were millions of degrees, vaporization & annihilation would have occurred long ago. 

BTW, do you remember reading-of or hearing Michael Mann's doomsday predictions about Australia soon becoming a "climate refugee" nation?  Well, 2022 was a year of record high crops in East Australia.  Also in 2022 was the announcement that  two of the three major sectors of the Great Barrier Reef was replenished to the point of having the most coral cover in 36 years.   

Michael Mann lied about Australia, probably assuming that Americans are too stupid to find out what's going-on on the other side of the planet.  Michael Mann is a protected jerk.  One day the protection will suddenly vanish.  The puppeteers will cut the strings.  For now, stay away from the guy.





All in all, Michael Mann is the ultimate Climate Denier in having denied the existence of the Medieval Warm Period & the Mini-Ice-Age, not to mention part of the 1940 to 1979 temperature decline, with all of his "math trick" talent.   See: climategate emails.  

See:  =====>   The Climategate Emails w/ introductory narrations.   <=====

Now, concerning the 1950s (in part), the '60s (in whole), & the '70s (predominately so), the cooling trend had gotten to the point where England's growing season was shortened by two weeks.  No matter what today's lying propagandists publish, it was very cold back then.  In fact, as American schoolchildren walked toward their homes, they had to turn around and walk backwards, so that the bitter cold wind would not directly stream down their shirt/blouse collars.  

It was assumed at the time that Winters were to be bitterly cold, as a rule.  This is why the warming trend of 1983 & 1984 surprised people.  In fact, February 1998 was so nice that it scared people, including radio icon Paul Harvey.  Then, when the coldest winter in 40 years arrived (in 2014), humanity realized that the climate is cyclical.

See:   New York Times, May 21, 1975

Enter Keith Raphael Briffa (1952 - 2017).  He was the quintessential tree ring proxy advocate.  This means that he was an aficionado in Dendroclimatology.  His climate "reconstruction" of the past 1,000 years -- abridged into 600 years -- goes as follows:
The red section above is what Mann was praised for hiding, in the Climategate emails.

Below: Look at the YELLOW LINE, toward the right side of the predominately blue graph.  Look closely at the "0.0C" temperature anomaly X-axis.  If the Briffa reconstruction were not deleted, Michael Mann could not have drawn a steeply upward sloping line to represent drastic warming. 

Now, the Y-axis scale on the chart below is not remarkable, because the whole chart involves no more than 1.5 degree Celsius in variability.  Thus, the chart only deals with small increases or decreases in the temperature anomaly (aka temperature changes.)  Using smaller increments exaggerates the slope of a graph and serves to deceive people, instead of enlightening them.  It makes that which is little look much more pronounced than it really is.

BELOW:  Look at the Briffa Reconstruction again, in a more clear view.  It's based on tree ring density only.  The Briffa line is green and it starts at the Year 1400 or so.  

As far as goes Mann, he has two lines on that graph.  The thinner line is dark blue and it doesn't begin until 1580.  That was ever-so-coincidentally after the great heatwave & drought of 1540.  None the less, that thinner dark blue line only involves temperatures from Latitude 30N to 70N.  This means that it does NOT involve global temperatures.  After all, no southern hemispheric temperatures are involved, and no northern tropical temperatures are involved.  

The Tropics are 23.5 degrees latitude, north & south.  Yet, Michael Mann's math doesn't begin until the 30th parallel north.  Welcome to Michael Mann's real math trick.  It's the trick where you leave numbers out of the equation.

The other line of Mann, the black one, involves all Northern Hemispheric temps from 1000 C.E to 2000 C.E.  However, it's the dark blue "30N-70N" line which is the one able to hide the decline. 



Note that the slope of the temperature decline was very pronounced.  So, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change simply cut off the decline at the Year 1960.  Then came Michael Mann and his bag of tricks. The disappearing act ensued.

The MBH Hockey Stick Graph--- was never test driven or tested for cracks.  (M=Mann, B=Bradley, H=Hughes)

Michael Mann, Decline Hider Extraordinaire, never revealed the data sets that he used to justify the drawing of his asininely ridiculous hockey stick climate graph.  Thus, he never justified why he deleted the historically known Medieval Warm Period and the very well chronicled Mini Ice Age.  

Rumor had it that Mann dropped the use of proxy evidence as soon as it showed a decline in surface temperatures.  He then included thermostat stats, in its place.  This is the act of mixing apples with oranges.

The irony to that graph was that it was a straight declining line for 1,000 years, by a half degree, as if Climate were in a perpetually stagnate coffin, except for handful of upticks.  One uptick on his very fraudulent graph was during the Wolf Minimum.  Oops.  He denied the Little Ice Age at its historic beginning. 

The Wolf Minimum came in 1280 and preceded the Great Plague of 1348.  The Great Plague is often regarded as the start of the Mini Ice Age.  Actually, 1280 C.E. can be regarded as the start of the 550 year age of Ice Dominance.  

None the less, the Briffa reconstruction had temperatures that were higher at the start of the 20th century.  Thus, the real decline was a sharper downward slope. Mann decided to make the slope much more gradual.  This meant that, according to Michael Mann, there are no natural mechanisms to create weather variations on an upward temperature trend more than half a degree.  According to Mann, upward trends can only be accomplished by the use of the combustible engine.   Yet, drastic weather changes occurred throughout history ... long before the invention of the combustible engine and the Mack Truck. 

Well, there were a number of climate change scenarios in the past 4,000 years, when there were no combustible engines or coal power plants.  In some cases, there weren't even chariots.  Michael Mann's graph is an insult to human intelligence.  Well, all of Michael Mann is an insult to human intelligence ... not merely his hockey stick graph.

During the Renaissance Era Ice Age, there were still occasional warm Summers and hot days throughout that time.  One example was the June 28, 1778 Battle of Monmouth which involved 25,000 troops.  It was fought in present-day Freehold New Jersey.  That was a huge number of soldiers for the American Revolutionary War.  The June 1778 battle ended with the British withdrawing its troops at night, incidentally.  

In addition, there were droughts during those centuries, including the 1540s Tudor Drought.  There were catastrophic hurricanes, too, even though the atmospheric co2 count was very low, when compared to today.  As an example, 1780 was a catastrophic year with hurricane damage being its highlight.  One hurricane killed 22,000 people, in 1780.

The 2nd most asinine thing Michael Mann ever said in front of a camera.  

Michael Mann was asked how much CO2 must be removed from the atmosphere.  Mann confidently said, "Half the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in ten years," ... in order to prevent a 1.5C catastrophic temperature rise.  Stop there.  That spoken line shows that Mann either knows nothing about the new findings in atmospheric physics or he is just not thinking when he talks.

Proxy history showed that not even a 2C rise is catastrophic, but rather, a 2C rise accompanied the rise of the great & historic Roman Empire.  For the record, it was scientifically & professionally surmised, via Mediterranean proxy material, that the Roman Warm Period was TWO degrees CELSIUS warmer than it is today.

Plus, the temperature rise helped the Romans finally conquer the hard hitting Gaul army of Chieftain Vercingetorix, in an eight year-long war --- in a land known as present-day France.  Thus, a 1.5C rise in surface temperature is NOT anywhere near catastrophic.  

For the record, the Gauls used to terrorize Italy ... demand tribute, take Italian gold, etc.  So, Julius decided to stop the terror attacks and bring back to Italy the Roman gold that had Vercingetorix's fingerprints on it.

None the less, here is the supreme asininity of that one Michael Mann assertion, concerning deleting half the CO2 from the atmosphere:

{1} Half of today's level of co2 = 210 parts per million (ppm).  That constitutes 50 ppm LESS THAN during cave-man days.  That constitutes 73 ppm LESS THAN the start of the 19th Century, aka the Napoleonic Era.  Both time periods occurred when the human population was much smaller than today.

See for yourself:  ***>  Atmospheric CO2 graph, starting at 1800  <***

{2a}  Today's population is 8 BILLION in human beings, meaning that much more crop harvesting is needed today than during the Napoleonic War Years when the world population was approximately 1 billion.  Thus, much more CO2 is needed today, and coincidentally enough, the atmosphere is presently providing the extra needed amount of CO2 for our era.  

{2b} CO2 is the KEY to PHOTOSYNTHESIS.  When CO2 goes below 150 ppm, all photosynthesis halts.  Life on Earth soon follows suit.  Dropping the CO2 count to 210 ppm is irresponsible.

{2c} NASA has already reported on the added greening of the present-day Arctic Circle during the Summer months.  Extra CO2 increases photosynthesis throughout the Earth.  In as much, IF you want to "go green," the first thing that you have to do is INCREASE THE ATMOSPHERIC CO2 LEVEL.  Growers do this to their greenhouses, as a rule.

See:  NASA's Satellite Technology shows the greening of the Earth 

          NASA reports a greener Earth of recent

           CO2 levels making Earth Greener

            Added co2 and added plant growth demonstration

The asininity of Michael Mann and his fellow racketeer, Al Gore, is that they are doing the opposite of what it takes to "go green."  This anti-co2 mindset is the Supreme Asininity of the climate doomsayers.

In as much, pursuant to the NY Times vs Sullivan case law authority, I, a private citizen, state my opinion of public figure, Michael Mann:  

Michael Mann is a contrived fad.  He's an artificially propped-up mouthpiece, presented as the wisdom of the ages. 

Mann is only famous, because of the hockey stick graph.  Yet,  he never showed the public the data sets upon which his neon-lighted hockey stick climate graph came to be.   He could have made up that graph as much as some people made-up record breaking high temperatures in those parts of Africa which had NO WEATHER MONITORING STATIONS.

Thus, the one hockey stick graph which made Mann a contrived news show icon has never been tested for cracks.  It has never been test-driven.  Would you buy a car you never test-drove?  Of course not.  So, we the People of the United States do NOT buy Michael Mann's untested climate change hockey stick graph.  

This is especially true for those of us who worked outdoors, year after year, and decade after decade.  This is because we are experienced enough to know that ====> Climate is cyclical.

Plus, Michael Mann has a very financial conflict of interest in the promotion of his hockey stick graph which omits the historically supported Mini-Ice-Age which included:

{1a} the great frosts, great floods, crop failures & mass starvation often mentioned in the Bristol Chronicles.

{1b}, the Sporer Solar Minimum which has now been concluded to have actually existed from the starting point of 1460 C.E.

{2} The irony & counter-intuitive hot year of 1540, followed by the cold account of 1640, in showing how Mann's virtual straight-lined graph needed more spikes in it, to reflect historic climate reality.

{3} The North American drought year of 1580, showing more of the need of upward spikes in the Mann Hockey Stick graph.

{4} The Grindelwald Fluctuation of 1560 - 1630, which even included out-of-season snowfalls.

{5} The well-known Maunder Solar Minimum which included warm Summers, in addition to ice-ridden Winters.

{6} The Dalton Solar Minimum of 1790 - 1830 which included the 1816 Summer That Never Was.

All in all, the "Mann, Bradley, & Hughes" graph is typically Orwellian, in that it rewrites history. 

Why don't the newscasters ask Michael Mann how much personal money he personally made since the publishing of his hockey stick graph?  Why doesn't Michael Mann simply come out and let us Americans know how much currency was transacted into his financial portfolio in the form of taxpayer dollars?

None the less, for the past 4,000 years, climate change has literally been occurring every 124 to 600 years.  Climate is a long-term roller coaster ride.   Climate is cyclical.

Ah, yes.  Michael Mann.  Hiding the Decline Since 1999.

Michael Mann proved himself to be utterly heartless, if not an indifferent psychopath, against an elderly retired Air Force pilot, on account of the pilot saying that, even though Michael Mann was teaching at Penn State, he should have been at the State pen (penitentiary), instead.   One sentence was spoken, and a ridiculous amount of Canadian civil lawsuit attorney fees ensued.

The retired & elderly pilot who earned a doctorate degree let me know how much suffering Mann put him through, and he informed me that he intended to let the world know about those sufferings after the lawsuit ended.  Well, the lawsuit ended.  There was no communication between me and the Canadian gentleman since I left Chicago, in 2019.  He recently passed-on into eternity.  His videos are his legacy.

And remember, pursuant to NY Times vs Sullivan, a private citizen may publicly state his opinion of a public figure, in the United States.  I'll be politely reserved for now.  I only stated half of my opinion thus far.

It suffices to state that some people in this world are really sick jokes, and for long periods of relative time, it appears that they will get away with every wrong they have ever performed.  But, appearances are not all what they appear to be.  History repeats itself.  

Do the math on this one ... on the person who caused schoolchildren dread, and who caused gasoline prices to skyrocket, in his role as an advisor to the Dementia-ridden president.  The same person caused an elderly former air force pilot the loss of his life savings and the gain of accompanying dread.  Justice, in the end, prevails.

For now, be like a charming Latin gentleman, even if you hate us Latins to the marrow of our beings.  Do NOT write to Michael Mann.  Only address his superiors and the Court of Public Opinion, as well as a RICO court.  Do NOT walk up to Michael Mann in a restaurant.  Let him have a relaxing time.  Do NOT picket in front of his house, his office, etc.  Be as charming as a Ricardo Montalban.  Charm doesn't hurt anyone.   Meanwhile, simply boycott Michael Mann.

The goal is to see to it that humanity clearly sees that Michael Mann and the less than brilliant Al Gore have been lying, in sleight-of-hand deceit, all along.  In order to achieve this goal, it is NOT necessary to harass anyone in a restaurant or to picket in front of a domicile.

People like Michael Mann are necessary to avoid, because he's a liar who will claim that you threatened him, if you get anywhere close to him ... or he will tell some lie about you.  So, stay away from Hockey Sticks Mann.  Simply boycott him.


                        Private US Citizen #40,801,958.

                      There is a meaning to that number                                        

February 17, 2025

An about-the-author page would dispel any doubt, prejudice, or misunderstanding.

© Patrick Anthony Pontillo 
The reason for the creation of the Blue Marble Album was this:   Americans were being hideously deceived by power grabbers who obviously thought that Americans were the most stupid and gullible people on Earth.  A prime example was seen in the majority of Americans believing in the non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.  And of course, this was not the only con game orchestrated by Americans in political and/or financial and/or societal power.  

The con games done by unconscionable career politicians, activists, and embedded journalists were such an insult to the intelligence of one Pennsylvania native that the deceptiveness called for a response.  Eventually, he would include numerous pieces of photocopied evidence, to support his assertions and declaratory statements.  Doing such a thing is equivalent to warning the People of the wolves in their midst.

Now, the author of this site was a whistle blower more than once, and he paid heavily for it.  This includes him enduring the trashing of his reputation and in him being completely shut-off by those influential powers that be.  This included threats of physical violence, even to his car.   

An instance of the Blue Marble Album author being a whistle blower who was abandoned & isolated after retaliation is here:


For the record, Donald Wuerl is now a retired corrupt and unrepentant bishop who became a very corrupt and unrepentant cardinal, during the reign of Nazi Pope Benedict XVI.  Benedict's papacy was the epitome of corruption, as was proven by his butler handing over evidence to certain journalists.   

The media originally made Donald Wuerl out to be the most holy cleric in America, in a propaganda ploy.  However, a 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report revealed how corrupt this Donald Wuerl actually was.  The Grand Jury Inquest occurred under the supervision of former AG and present governor Josh Shapiro.  For now, let's continue with the original purpose of this particular post ...

... and, let's use photocopies to introduce or reintroduce the author of the Blue Marble Album.

Below: an Honors Society yearbook photocopy of a Catholic college, in 1983.  After his attendance at the Univ of Tampa ... where Patrick Anthony Pontillo ended-up being published in anthology form ... at the age of 20 ... along side national book award winners, a Walt Whitman Award winner, and other laureates ...  he enrolled at a Pennsylvania college where he was taught by one of JFK's former economic advisors.

Concerning the 1983 photo below, the Blue Marble Album author, Patrick Anthony Pontillo, is the one in the checkered flannel shirt, standing in the second row, next to the Clark Kent look-alike.  

          Above:  As far as goes Patrick, his status at the time of the photo was first semester senior.  So, you cannot deny that he was at the top ... at the very top five or so ... of his class.   All the people in that photo had at least a 3.5 gpa. 

As an added note, while at the Catholic college there, during the year prior, Patrick scored a 100% on a national, standardized accounting exam authored by Harvard University.

In fact, the first anthology in which Patrick was ever published sits on a Harvard University library shelf today, as well as on a Northwestern Univ book shelf, and at other college libraries.  So, he has proven himself to have been able to keep pace with the Ivy League.  And you wonder if you should spend time reading his writings?  

His writings contain a lot of charts, graphs, newspaper photocopies, and similar pieces of evidence, to prove the validity of his assertions and declaratory statements.  If you don't want to read his writings, then at least look at all the illustrations.

One more pertinent note:  In 1983 Patrick was also inducted into the Phi Sigma Iota Language Honors Fraternity, for exceptional achievement in languages ... well you know the rest.  Incidentally, the chapter which inducted him was the Iota Iota chapter. 

In addition, he later became a member of the International High IQ Society which is a good additive.  But on its own, it's not worth anything.  With a National Honors Society membership and a Phi Sigma Iota membership, an IHIQS membership becomes a confirmation that you're not dealing with sophomoric chump change, in terms of apprehending subject matter, comprehending the meaning of the subject matter, applying a rhythm to cognizance, developing thought processes in sequences, and then conveying the subject matter as if to be showing a movie..


It's acknowledged that many an American has distrust of Hispanics.  This is understood, even as to why this is so, as in violets gangs and the drug trade.  Well, Patrick's last name almost matches a former president of Mexico.  So, he sounds very Latin American.   And, while in Florida, he was often assumed to be from Central America, until he was heard speaking his northern accent.

The truth is that Patrick's paternal grandparents came from the Mount Vesuvius part of Italy --- Benevento & Avellino --- near Naples.   Pat's maternal grandparents came from Southwestern Ireland --- Tipperary & Muintervara (in Kilcrohane, Munster Province) ... on the peninsula between Bantry Bay & Dunmanus Bay.  Pat, himself, is from Pittsburgh.  

Pat's father was no Central American.  He was a native of central Pennsylvania.  He was a mechanical engineer for the Armco Steel Corporation who earned the GI Bill & Distinguished Flying Cross, by traveling over the more hostile parts of Nazi German airspace 35 times, in a B-24.  

Pat also has a sibling who was a metallurgical engineer and a military officer.  In fact, Pat's extended family members are mostly teachers/professors and lawyers, in addition to one electrical engineer.  He's from a very white collar upper-middle class, country club family.  All members of that family were sent to private academies, for a portion of their school years.  In fact, when you're a member of that family, you are expected to make the national honors society.  Don't judge a last name by its cover.

Back to the Honors Society Photo

Now, when you are looking at an Honors Society photo, you are looking at those at the top of their classes.  You see ten students in the photo above, in a school of approximately 1,750 or so undergrads.  Today, that same school has an undergrad enrollment of approximately 2,400 students.  A few years prior, the enrollment was approximately 2,000 undergrads and 400 graduate students of varying sort.

To make the National Honors Society, a student needed to have at least a 3.5 gpa (grade point average.)  Two people who should have been in the photo below, didn't make it for the photo op.  So, that amounts to 12 students, from sophomore to senior, out of 1,300+ upper classmen & upper class-women who excelled well at that Catholic college.  It's actually a Franciscan college founded in 1847 and then accredited in 1939.

Below is a letter of recommendation from his philosophy professor.  It and the photo above should help you figure out if this Patrick Anthony Pontillo guy is worth reading.  At the least, his numerous photo-copies of evidence are very much worth viewing.

A 137 IQ is classified in the 99.318 percentile.  One out of 147 people have an IQ of 137 or higher.
    BELOW:  Patrick's contribution to an anthology published in 2024.

Qualifying statement concerning Catholic colleges per se

The substantial & long-term academic prowess of the Catholic Church dates back to the time of Charlemagne, 1,200 years ago.  In the British Isles, this same prowess dates back 4 to 6 hundred years earlier.  In as much, Catholicism was the religion of kings and entire empires.  This means that the Catholic Church has always been the opposite of a cult.  

Catholicism has been in the center of human history since the end of the Western Roman Empire which was marked at 476 CE.  Thus, for the longest time in human history, Catholic schools have been mainstream educational venues.   

As an example, the most elite universities of Europe today include the Louvain and the Sorbonne.  Well, one of those schools was known as the Catholic University of Louvain, as far back as 1859.  Meanwhile, the Sorbonne dates back to 1253, and it was founded by the confessor/chaplain of King Louis IX, as the theology school of Paris University.  It was intended for the poor.

Meanwhile, Paris University was founded in 1049 as the Parisian Cathedral School.   And then came the Catholic University of Paris, founded after long bouts of anti-Catholic civil warfare in Europe, in 1875.  The list of Catholic scholars, inventors, authors, and researchers through the ages can literally fill a book.  This includes those who became the Father of this-science and the Father of that-science.  

For example, Gregor Mendel is the Father of Genetics.  He was a Roman Catholic Priest of the Augustinian order, and he was ordained in 1847.  In fact, he became the abbot of St Thomas, in Brünn (Germany), in 1868.   As an added example, Fra Luca Pacioli ... a Renaissance Era Franciscan friar ... is regarded as the Father of Accounting.  One more:  Louis Pasteur was a Catholic & the Father of Microbiology.

Other Catholic names which had major impact on the sciences included Golgi (nervous system), Belzoni (Egyptian archeology), Mersenne (Prime Numbers), Redi (parasitology & snake venom science), Tartaglia (ballistics),  Malpighi (Father of Physiology & Histology), Picard (Father of Modern Astronomy), Ricci-Cubastro (tensor calculus), Piazzi (astronomy & the discovery of Ceres), Michal Heller (the singularity problem in General Relatively), Guarini (Baroque structural engineering), Armand David (Chinese Zoology while serving as a missionary).  The list goes on & on.

The bottom line is that there is no way in Hell that the Catholic Church is a cult, as the Jimmy Swaggart types claimed it to be.  The Catholic Church is right out front, in the middle of human history.  

If it were not for the Catholic Church, and centuries of monasteries, Jimmy Swaggart would not have a Bible to wave around his audience.  Monks kept the Old Testament and New Testament on par with their original texts.  The accuracy of modern Catholic Bibles, when compared to the scripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls, proves this to be the case.  

It was and is a remarkable achievement that only the Catholic Church achieved.  This is because there was no Protestantism until the 1520s, and there was no Orthodoxy until 988 (Russia) or 1054 (Greece), except for the four-year Photian Schism (in 880) and small Fifth Century schisms such as Nestorianism.  

Swaggart is very ungrateful for the Catholic Church's effort in retaining Biblical Script to its original form.  He condemns the religion which gave the world the Bible as it is known today.  Swaggart obsessively used the Bible.   Yet, he condemns the steward & protector of the Bible, namely the Catholic Church.  This makes Jimmy Swaggart a hypocrite who does NOT know what he is talking-about.

Now remember, the most recent former United States presidential administration sought to censor, censor, and censor some more, so that people would not know anything about the opponents of those in power.   The same dysfunctional administration then inserted lie after lie after lie.  So, for familiarization purposes, how about including work experience in picture form, in an about-the-author post?
For the record, Patrick has done concrete work, carpentry, heavy equipment operating, "heavy landscaping," siding & window work, and he laid a lot of pipe ... as in underground pipelines.  This included relatively large concrete pipes.  In as much, if you walk around Downtown Pittsburgh long enough, you will literally walk on his work. 

Concerning, other Pittsburgh work he has done, in order to get anywhere near that work, you need to be a bird or at least someone with a long ladder.  He did a lot of government contract work, even for the Army Corps of Engineers, the Pittsburgh City Engineers, HUD, the URA, and various "Councils of Governments".   Residential work too.
     Some of Patrick's very recent places of work.   You need to be a bird to get near his work.
The achievement in this is that, from 2004 to 2011, he predominately lead the life of an invalid,
due to a severe allergic & asthmatic condition which included upper-respiratory reactions such 
as erythema, splitting headaches, splitting ear-aches, etc.  He won his disability case in 2003.  
His disability was declared "a non-exertional disability."  All allergic disabilities are.

It's simply that his old construction company granted him accommodations that no other company would or even could grant.  So, he is still made out of glass, and he only works half the hours he 
used to work.  But, how many people can do this type of work for two hours, and not undergo a 
severe injury?

Incidentally, the most common thing said during the viewing of an asthmatic, at a funeral home, is:
"I was just talking to him last week, and he was fine."

The bottom line is that, while in his invalid state, the only way in which he could communicate
was through writing.  So, write he did.   And then, Politics became the dissemination of lies.  So,
in response to the mass dishonesty, he had to continue to write ... hundreds of posts ... with lots of illustrations, especially newspaper articles of old, to prove that nothing which happened in the
past five years, weatherwise, is new ... and that the charts and graphs of the Biden years had
easily provable lies in them, making the Biden-Harris people a clan of liars..

He also did historical society work.  The oldest house he renovated was built in 1832.  The second oldest house he ever worked-on was built in 1847.   Being a Pittsburgh-based construction worker means that Patrick regularly worked on houses built in the 1890s, the turn of the 20th Century, and in the 1920s.  He also did construction work in Chicago and the Chicago area, as well as in Meadville Pennsylvania and Somerset County Pennsylvania, as well as Greene County PA.

The two "heavy equipment photos" above are literally historic.  This is because Patrick was the last heavy equipment operator to perform the final demolition on the formerly famous J&L Steel Works of Aliquippa Pennsylvania.  He removed the last remaining steel mill slab there.  When you look at those photos, you are looking at the place where J&L Steel of Aliquippa used to be.   Aliquippa was made famous by a couple NFL football stars ... and NCAA stars.

Above:  Patrick at the former company headquarters.  It was a 10,000 sq ft complex, located eighteen to twenty-two blocks away from the Univ of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning.

As an added note, Patrick once held four insurance licenses simultaneously.  It was technically known as one Pennsylvania insurance license with "4 powers of authority,"  This included:  1] Life & Annuities,  2] Property,  3] Casualty,  4] Accident & Health which is NOT the same as selling medical insurance which is a topic for another time.  The area to which Patrick was assigned by his insurance company was Beaver Falls, a place made famous by Super Bowl icon Joe Namath.

Posted as proof.  Posted for no other reason.
And then there's the matter of Patrick's sports background, for familiarization purposes.  In the photo below, he's the man in the middle.

                                   Patrick again.
 Patrick also ran track.  However, his most successful sport ... in organized sports ... was baseball.  He was the lead-off hitter on a championship team which mostly consisted of the starting players of the nearby championship football team.

One of his baseball teammates of the prior season ended up in the Super Bowl and a number of Pro Bowl games.  So, Patrick did play on teams with guys who made a bit of a success of themselves in football.  But, he played baseball with most of them.  Yet, one of his football team mates did end up the starting quarterback in a Cotton Bowl game, and another one was recruited by the Air Force Academy.  Etc.

Now, if a predictable ad hominine character assassin declares him to be a cold & repressed oppressor who doesn't know what he's talking about ... and that he must be avoided or violently silenced ... and that he just doesn't understand humanity, your response is ====>  

               Above:  The main subject in those two photos look like the same one blonde.  
                       They are actually two different women from different parts of America.

And this is yet an entirely different blonde.

  Even though the subject in each of these two photos can look like the same brunette, 
they are two entirely different women, from different counties and different backgrounds.

                                  Ye olde college days.

There's more to be included, time permitting.  But, that's the problem.  There's a ton to be done, in the aftermath of the Biden-Harris Administration.  Time is not a luxury.  Even time was robbed of us. Moreover, learning of the subject matter of Pat's writings is far more important than learning about him.  That's the way it goes with every writer.

Plus, in the midst of the present political game-playing, being done by certain career politicians, it too, requires a response.  It means more writing and more evidence research.

Today's political manipulators don't understand that putting up with the alarmingly high prices of the Biden-Harris years drained all working class Americans to the point where everyone in that world is too tired to even think of taking to the streets.

Anyway, if time is made available in the near future, there will be more included to this post.  If not, then you have enough to "go-on."   Remember, it 's the content of his writings that count.  And if you don't want to read his writings, then look at the pictures of graphs that he posted ... and at least look at the headlines and the sub-headlines on the the historic newspaper articles that he posted. 

Pontillo's numerous hours of research and writing were actually years of research and writing ... and it was an unpaid public service.   Lots of work for no pay.   He was given a $100 donation once, back in 2014.  But he was never given as much as a penny after that time, and never before so, either.  It was a matter of years of work done for free, as a public service.  Even at that, the $100 was in gratitude for him exposing the corruption of Cardinal Donald Wuerl.  That involves an entirely different website.

This translates into a writer who has no conflict of interest, as in paychecks for things written.  He NEVER got paid to write what he did.  That makes him the opposite of a propaganda puppet.